Constitution and Law

The constitutional experience in the modern Iraqi state

Dr.  Osama Al-Shabib
The past hundred years of modern Iraq’s history, 1921 – 2021, have witnessed many events, fluctuations, and constitutional, political, social and other changes. The developments and changes in the constitutional and legal field have had a clear impact during a century of the history of the modern Iraqi state.
Between 1921 AD and 2021 AD, eight constitutions were issued, whether they were in the monarchy stage or what followed in the stage of republican rule. The first constitutional document was issued in the modern Iraqi state was  the Basic Law, in 1925, this was during the British Mandate.  The Basic Law was the only constitution during the monarchy, until 1958 AD when the state system and governance changed from monarchy to republican, where many constitutions were issued as a result of coups, political changes and social unrest.  Its result was the issuance of five temporary constitutions, until the beginning of the American occupation of Iraq in 2003, the end of the Ba’ath rule and the beginning of a political and constitutional era different from the one that preceded it with all the problems that accompanied it.  From here we try to review these events and transformations in their constitutional and political framework, by dividing them into three main stages, as follows:

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