Al-Baidar News

Role of Study and Think Tanks Highlighted in the Al-Baidar Center for Studies and Planning Dialogue Session

The directors of research institutes, academics, and people with an interest in the intellectual and knowledge fields attended a symposium that the Al-Baidar Center for Studies and Planning recently organized. The session addressed the pivotal role of study and think tanks, emphasizing the necessity to bolster their initiatives through assessment and identification of their weaknesses for further development.
The attendees deliberated on ways to fortify scientific research and harness it to address national issues. They also discussed strategies to foster collaboration between research institutions and the government, aiming to devise practical solutions to the challenges Iraq faces.
The participants underscored a variety of vital topics pertinent to Iraqi affairs, particularly focusing on utilizing research and studies to drive sustainable development and enhance citizens’ quality of life. The significance of exchanging expertise and knowledge between the research community and government entities was highlighted, aiming to maximize the benefits derived from studies and research. Conclusively, the session underscored the importance of organizing more such gatherings to bolster intellectual dialogue and research collaboration, ultimately supporting development policies and programs that benefit the Iraqi state and society.


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