
The Views of Mohammed Arkoun in the Balance of Critique

Recently released by Al-Baidar Center for Studies and Planning, the book (The Views of Mohammed Arkoun in the Balance of Critique) by its author Sheikh Kadhim Al-karagholy, discusses the thesis of modernity and its understanding of various religious and philosophical thought topics. The author notes the flaws in understanding when analyzing these subjects, according to the perceptions of their theorists and pioneers. However, when discussing this thesis, the author was struck by the ideas and opinions of Dr. Mohammed Arkoun, for reasons mentioned within the research, saying: «My purpose was to delve into the words of a number of Arab writers who were influenced by these paths and adopted these ideas, so I started with some of Mohammed Arkoun›s books and found that there were many instances of confusion and misunderstanding, which made me shift my intention to discussing his ideas, and discovered that a single book is not enough to discuss what he proposes, so I focused on some of his books… etc.»


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