Economy and Energy

A feasibility study of the Iran to Iraq natural gas pipeline

Dr. Karim Wahid


As part of its policy to provide electrical energy to consumers, the Ministry has developed a plan to build combined gas stations (gas + steam) to produce electrical power distributed over the governorates of Iraq. These power plants use various types of fuels to produce electric power: natural gas, gas oil, fuel oil, and crude oil.

It is evident that the best type of fuel to operate gas stations is natural gas to ensure that the production units operate with the highest efficiency, that no chemicals added to treat other fuels are needed, and that the units do not need additional maintenance operations.

By following up the Ministry of Oil plan, it seems that the infrastructure will not be able to meet the needs of power plants from natural gas for years to come, and with the aim of covering the deficit in the quantities of natural gas supplied to the gas stations in its simple cycle of operating and future units, the Ministry of Electricity has developed an urgent plan to import Gas oil or operating units on crude or heavy oil, which requires the use of any chemical additives whose value may reach (15) million dollars annually, “in addition to reducing the availability rate to 70%.

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