Education and Society

Using Video Conferencing for in-classroom teaching of a networking course

The use of video conferencing and blended learning in higher education has been a topic of discussion for many years and while there are many proponents for the use of video conferencing for distance education, there has been less emphasis on the use of such technology inside the classroom. The ubiquity of computer aided technologies and the decreasing costs of cloud-based video conferencing solutions beyond those modules offered through traditional LMS environments, such as Blackboard Collaborate, were instrumental in driving this case study.  Such dynamics in the evolution of video conferencing technologies created the interest for us to use a particular video conferencing solution, namely ZOOM in the delivery of a computer networking course where Cisco Packet Tracer network simulation tool alongside traditional presentation tools are used to deliver the content as well as give the students the learn-by-doing opportunity to practice their network configuration skills.  In this study we will evaluate the benefit of using ZOOM to facilitate synchronous online learning inside the classroom and see whether the interaction between teacher and students as well as amongst the students have any significant pedagogical consequences. The video conferencing session will be recorded and made available to students as part of the asynchronous online learning resources. We hope the study will help us understand better the effectiveness of combining (traditional) online synchronous learning where students and teacher are physically in different locations compared to synchronous online in-classroom learning.

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