
Weimar Republic and its lessons for Iraq

In order to restore the vitality of the state and society in Iraq

Lukman Faily
Center’s Introduction
The paper seeks to articulate the features and characteristics of the political chapter of the Weimar Republic, its analysis and its comparison with the political development of the Republic of Iraq after 2003; and to determine the main points of comparison at the historical, social and political levels, international relations and the main events that contributed to the formation and development of the two political systems in both the Iraqi and German experiences within the framework of historical borders. Also, to articulate both republics elements that constitute it politically, economically, and culturally, and the contexts surrounding them.
The paper focuses on benefiting from the lesson of the “Weimar Republic” system and how to transfer those lessons to the Republic of Iraq and its political, social and institutional systems after 2003. Thereafter identifying the commonalities and differences within both cases, and not to be dissuaded by focusing on the time, culture, and political differences. Undoubtedly, differences exist between both examples, however the laws governing society and politics lead to similar results if similar circumstances and contexts are present, even if the elements of geography, society and time differ.
Hence, Al-Baidar Center for Studies and Planning is pleased to present to its valued readers this publication, and hopes to contribute by publishing this study of the experience of the political system in Germany’s “Weimar Republic” and other similar experiences;  To be a beneficial and useful resource for the new Iraqi political system, and to take lessons from the advantages and mistakes that those historical political systems faced.  In the same context, we extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to his excellency Ambassador Lukman Abdul Rahim Al-Faily for the ideas he presented in this study, and for the effort, analysis, and methodological approach he implemented between both systems and the German and Iraqi experiences. Thanks are also extended to the Research Department at Al-Baidar Center for producing and completing this study in the form befitting it.

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