Education and Society

The National Housing Strategy in Iraq

Diagnosing challenges and proposing solutions Fadi Haasan Jaber
Eng.Khaleel Ibrahim Noor

The  Iraqi citizen suffers for many years from a sustainable housing crisis in Iraq for more than 60 years, In addition poor housing environment that does not provide high-quality and comprehensive  infrastructure services, as well as the spread of slums and their overlap in cities, likewise absence of urban planning, and this accumulation of crises led to transformation of the housing crisis into a sustainable crisis with an impact Humanties and social factors, The solutions that were offered and presented able to achieve the goals due to many administrative, financial , technical obstacles, planning integration and comprehensive support for all state institutions, noting that the governmental program for all Iraqi governments makes providing adequate housing its most important priority. Thus, The current strategy study consists of Three parts:
The first part: strategic diagnosis of housing sector
The second part: strategic challenges in housing sector
The third part: strategic solutions for housing sector

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