Al-Baidar NewsPublications

Newly Published by the Al-Baidar Center for Studies and Planning: ‘Mosul within the Framework of Turkish Strategic Thought: A Documentary Analysis’

“The book explores essential documents and treaties related to Mosul within its historical context, alongside Turkey’s claims to it. It delves into these documents to investigate Turkey’s purported right to breach Iraq’s sovereignty and enter its territories, based on specific agreements or legal texts governing this issue. The examination covers several agreements, such as the Ankara Agreement and the Lausanne Treaty, among others, to unveil facts and information pertinent to the subject. The investigation into the Mosul issue and its relationship with Turkey—especially following the end of Ottoman rule, the onset of British occupation, and the establishment of the new Iraqi state in 1921—is a major and sensitive topic in both the history and present of the Iraqi state, necessitating careful examination and study to reach well-informed decisions on this matter.”


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